Financial aid
If you want to receive assistance from the Euraxess Occitanie-Est offices team: register here.
Housing subsidies CAF (Caisse d'allocations familiales)
CAF housing subsidies are granted:
- Depending on your income
- Depending on your personal and professional situation (single, couple, student, employee, etc.)
There are 3 types of accommodation aid
- Aide personnalisée au logement (APL): if your accommodation is government-approved (this is the case for university halls)
- Allocation de logement familial (ALF)
- Allocation de logement social (ALS)
These benefits cannot be combined: you can only receive one of them. The CAF will determine which allowance you are entitled to on the basis of your file.
> Find all the information you need (simulations, benefit applications, etc.) on the official CAF website.
Family aids
Family aids are a benefit paid to people with at least 2 dependent children under the age of 20, regardless of your family situation and income.
> Find all the information you need (simulations, benefit applications, etc.) on the official CAF website.